pirate nation Archives

Jun 16, 2022
  • Caroline Barnhill

The Art of Giving

Producing art is a passion. Teaching art is a privilege. Ensuring future generations of promising artists have the opportunity to learn and grow? That’s a legacy. And it’s what has...

Jun 08, 2022
  • Spaine Stephens

The Other Dr. Gilmer

When Dr. Benjamin Gilmer ’06 reported to his new job as a rural physician in western North Carolina, he learned he had the same last name as the doctor he...

Dec 23, 2021
  • Gail Benge Kent

Germany 1971

“It changed my DNA,” said Pamela Murphy, describing the life changing experience of living and studying in 1971-72 at East Carolina’s European Study Center in Bonn. The experimental program, operating...

Dec 23, 2021
  • Erin Ward

The TikTok Doc will see you now

TikTok celebrity Makall Lauren had a contact lens stuck in her eye. The college student posted a teary video about her dilemma on the popular social media platform asking for...

Jun 16, 2021
  • Michael Rudd

Growin’ green

Houston Hinson ’02, owner of Cary-based Carolina Turf Organic Lawn Care, will tell you three key influences shaped his company and career: his son Houston III, a book and his...

Jun 16, 2021
  • Crystal Baity

Listen to the flame

A return to Estonia this year gave potter Anne Pärtna ’07 time to explore and try new materials she hopes will soon lead to an art show. Pärtna had a...

Jan 07, 2021
  • Doug Boyd

Winning on track and water

“Big Ed” Watkins ’98 fueled every one of Denny Hamlin’s seven wins in this season’s NASCAR Cup Series. Though the team came up short in the championship race, it was...

Jan 07, 2021
  • Doug Boyd

This soldier fought for the North, for the South and for freedom

In his latest book, Galvanized: The Odyssey of a Reluctant Carolina Confederate, Michael Brantley ’12 tells the story of his great-great-grandfather, a private from Nash County who fought for the...

Thomas Monti, left, and Justin Waller opened Schoolhouse Brewery last year
May 27, 2020
  • Erin Ward

Monti ’00 Schools Metro Atlanta on Beer

After nearly two decades teaching middle school science, Thomas Monti ’00 left the classroom to open Schoolhouse Brewing, one of the Atlanta area’s best new breweries. In just six months...

Water birth at Natural Beginnings Birth & Wellness Center in Statesville.
May 12, 2020
  • Natalie Sayewich

Labor to Love

Two ECU nursing graduates are giving soon-to-be moms a natural alternative to a hospital delivery room. Marcia Ensminger ’05 and Nicole Winecoff ’11 opened Natural Beginnings Birth & Wellness Center...