The Pirate Spirit is strong at ECU.

 In March, alumni and friends joined forces to raise a record $8.4 million through Pirate Nation Gives, our annual day of giving. That dwarfed last year’s record $6.5 million. 

Every day, I see the results of this generosity in our students, faculty and researchers as well as the facilities that rival those on any campus anywhere. Just as ECU has met every challenge our state has given us in the past 115 years, Pirates have done and are doing their part to meet our financial goals. 

Read about a significant investment the Warren family has made in our EC Scholars program – some of the brightest students at any college anywhere. More examples of investment and outcomes are throughout this issue of East. 

This is the East Carolina University edge. We make it possible for students from all walks of life to build successful careers and become confident citizens and strong contributors to our society. We make sure they can earn a living and give back to their communities. We pride ourselves on whom we accept, not on whom we turn away. 

We are more than halfway to our goal of $500 million to keep ECU on the leading edge of higher education – to build stronger academics, athletics, discovery, health care services and much more. Our future is bright. 

Philip Rogers, Ed.D.