Twilley invests in ECU to educate sales leaders

Richard Twilley ’89 is leading the way to establish ECU as a leader in sales education with a $4.5 million commitment to the College of Business. His investment has established the Richard G. Twilley Academy of Sales Leadership in the COB and was a capstone of the university’s Pursue Gold campaign.

Twilley has worked in the sales profession for 35 years, spending the last 25 as an executive sales leader with Fortune 100 companies in a high-growth, competitive business-to-business marketplace. He aims to leverage his expertise and serve as an advisor in developing the new academy.

“I’ve prepared my whole life to help the university do this and didn’t even know I was,” Twilley said. “It’s a place that changed my life. I will be very engaged for as long as the university will take my input.”

Twilley graduated from ECU with a Bachelor of Science in business administration with a concentration in marketing and completed Harvard Business School’s executive management program. He is experienced in the development and execution of dynamic sales distribution plans, methodologies and emerging technologies to accelerate revenue growth while aligning and contributing to organizational business priorities.

The Twilley Academy of Sales Leadership is focused on advancing world-class sales education, cutting-edge research, providing executive educational programs and fostering beneficial corporate partnerships.