ECU joins professional development program for rural leaders

ECU is now part of North Carolina Commerce’s Rural Community Capacity program, which provides professional development training for leaders of local governments in some of the state’s economically distressed areas.

ECU’s participation will offer an eastern location for the university-based statewide educational program.

“This program aligns with ECU’s mission of regional transformation, so we’re thrilled to be part of the RC2 program and its work to position our rural communities for economic growth and prosperity,” said Sharon Paynter, ECU’s acting chief research and engagement officer.

RC2 is an initiative of the N.C. Commerce Rural Economic Development Division. Its goal is to help rural governments increase their capacity to plan, implement and manage economic development programs and opportunities.

Local government leaders in Tier 1 (most economically distressed), Tier 2 (economically distressed) and some qualifying Tier 3 (least economically distressed) counties are eligible to apply for the training.

The program provides educational programming, technical assistance and focused guidance to local government staff. Programming will include guidance on developing successful grant proposals, administration and management of state and federal grants, local government budgeting and finance, and leveraging local assets for economic development success.

ECU faculty and staff, along with economic development partners, will provide the training.

Communities that complete the RC2 campus curriculum will become eligible to apply for community implementation grants offered through the Rural Transformation Grant Fund. The fund provides local governments with grants and expert guidance to improve economic vitality and overcome the unique challenges many rural communities face.